written by Kyle Gassaway
During the past six weeks I’ve gotten the unique opportunity to work with people that, in my main social circle, would have not been a part of my daily life. These people I get to serve and be served by are the refugees from countries in Africa that have gone through much strife and difficulties with regards to war, economy, and government. The first day of my internship, Alan told me that a major part of my week would be helping in the ministry of hospitality to the refugees. I thought, “What a way to show the love of Christ to those that are strangers to this land and its culture.” So basically my job would be to give rides to those that needed them and to help get them necessary things they needed to live. It sounded easy enough. It wasn’t until I actually met, face to face, the first family from a Rwandan refugee camp that I realized how precious this time was going to be with them. Chantal, one of the refugees that came to Greensboro a year before and is part of Redeemer, translated between English and Kinyarwanda. In this brief encounter I began to understand how special this opportunity was, to be with these people from so far away. People that have the same desires as me. People that want to learn and work and a make a way in this life. People that are so grateful to be here, yet can’t help but feel out of place in a place where they try hard, but mostly fail to communicate the way we take for granted every day.
So I am excited and have great hopes for my new friends from Africa. I want them to find a home here with the people of Greensboro and Redeemer. While I hope to teach them so much being with them, I already have learned much as I’ve heard stories of their lives in their homeland.
They are a people of great strength, persistence, and love. The truth is I see so much of what I am not in them. I thank God for this opportunity to be among people that are so different from me, but at the same time just like me.
May He show the world through our (which is really His) love for one another the beauty of His church, full of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.
P.S. --- I urge you who read this to leave your comfort zone and get to know people that are different from you. I think God can work on our hearts in a tremendous way when we seek to love and serve those that can be forgotten and overlooked. Let’s be the ones God uses to show them they aren’t.
Jean Pierre and Clementine and their children, Peter and Jean
Adolf and Jocelyn and their children Sany and Queen
Eric, Rose, Solange, Jean Claude
Chantal and Josiah and their children Nathan, Anna and Daniella
And many more I haven't had the privilege to meet yet
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